What's up with Binaural Beats?

What's up with Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats are a type of sound therapy that involves the use of specific audio frequencies to influence brainwave activity. The term "binaural" refers to the fact that the therapy involves the use of two different frequencies, one played in each ear, to create the desired effect.

The theory behind binaural beats is based on the concept of brainwave entrainment, which suggests that the brain can be influenced by external stimuli to change its pattern of electrical activity. According to this theory, when the brain is presented with two different frequencies, it will naturally try to synchronize the two signals, resulting in the creation of a third frequency known as a binaural beat. This binaural beat is thought to affect the brain's electrical activity in a specific way, depending on the frequency of the beat.

For example, if a person is listening to a binaural beat with a frequency of 10 Hz in one ear and a frequency of 11 Hz in the other ear, their brain will create a binaural beat at a frequency of 1 Hz (the difference between the two frequencies). This 1 Hz binaural beat is thought to correspond to a specific brainwave pattern known as alpha waves, which are associated with relaxation and meditation.

Binaural beats are typically experienced by listening to audio recordings or using specialized headphones that play different frequencies in each ear. Some people also use binaural beats in combination with other techniques, such as meditation or visualization, to enhance the therapeutic effects.  Spinning Mandalas suggests using any and/or all of these practices along with Binaural Beats.  We do believe the effectiveness is correlated to the conscious focus of the beats and the overall goal attempting to be achieved.

Some people also claim that binaural beats can help to improve memory and cognitive function, reduce anxiety and depression, and even alter states of consciousness.  Many consumers claim to have used Binaural Beats to become alert quickly and without the aid of caffeine or other substances.  There is an opposite to that in that when relaxation is the goal, it can be achieved without the use of substances such as alcohol, melatonin, cannabis, etc.  It is thought that one can alter their state of awareness and cognition with the use of different frequencies of beats.  

It is important to note that binaural beats should not be used as a substitute for proper medical care. If you are experiencing physical or mental health issues, it is important to seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional. While binaural beats may be a helpful complement to traditional medical treatment, they should not be used in place of proper medical care.

Binaural beats are often used for a variety of purposes, including stress reduction, relaxation, and improved sleep, and as scientific research increases other uses may be discovered, driving the expansion of the field and the products available to your average consumer.  Spinning Mandalas will aid in any invitational study groups, providing our technology to be the subject of research.  While we assure you our products are completely harmless, we do suggest that you not use Binaural Beats while driving or operating heavy machinery.  If you find yourself using binaural beats and you become uncomfortable, we suggest taking a break and returning later.  Everyone's body chemistry is different, and everyone's brainwaves are unique to the individual as well.  So, while Binaural Beats may work extensively for your neighbor, they may not be as effective on you yourself.  This is the point where more research is needed to individualize the beats to assure that you get the most out of this practice.

While some studies have found that binaural beats may have a slight effect on brainwave activity and may be useful for reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation, the results of these studies are mixed and more research is needed to confirm their effectiveness.  Spinning Mandalas will participate in studies as they are formed and as this industry develops from seed to fruit.

What Spinning Mandalas is all about:

The Mandala itself is the visual representation of these sounds and many others.  Through the studies in Cymatics, different methods are used to visualize the effectiveness of the frequencies.  Sand placed on a plate, over a speaker is a version of a Cymatic measurement device. The term originates from Greek and was coined by Hans Jenny a Swiss Physician.  When one places sand on a plate, over the top of a speaker, and depending on the frequency played through the speaker the sand will form geometric shapes on the plate.  For example, with the Solfeggio Frequencies are played, the sand forms perfect mandalas.  Here is an example of what "OM" looks like on a Cymatic plate, as OM is in the frequency of 432hz:

https://www.doyou.com/the-sound-om-has-a-shape-and-it-looks-a-lot-like-our-universe-video/   Spinning Mandalas claims no rights to this website, nor its information.

After watching that, do you think the ancient people knew what OM was really about?  It couldn't have been an accident, at least Spinning Mandalas doesn't think so.

Frequency: the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second.  To add to this: 

The number of periods or cycles per second is called frequency. The SI unit for frequency is the hertz (Hz). One hertz is the same as one cycle per second.
So if a Mandala is rotated, it can be rotated at the same speed at which the Binaural Beat frequency is being heard.  Therefore, The Visual Representation of the Healing Frequencies is seen while the Beat is being heard, creating a more immersive experience.

This is what Spinning Mandalas has produced in our patent pending app.  The visual representation of the frequencies to be viewed while the beat is listened to.  We believe this therapy to more immersive than the beats alone, and will create a snowball effect of study in the field.

The take away:

Binaural beats are a type of sound therapy that involves the use of specific audio frequencies to influence brainwave activity. The theory behind binaural beats is based on the concept of brainwave entrainment, which suggests that the brain can be influenced by external stimuli to change its pattern of electrical activity, thus achieving different levels of awareness and cognition to better the consumers life.

More to come on this subject and many other fascinating areas in the field very soon.  We'll keep updating our progress as we go and our App will be available very soon for both IOS and android.  Spinning Mandalas as a company would like to thank you for your time and we hope you find less suffering in your daily life.  

Peace and Love to All.

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